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Tandem Flights


For those who are not sure if free-flying is for them, a "Test Flight as a Passenger" or "Tandem Flight" is a safer way to "Ride the Clouds". On a tandem flight, the passenger doesn't need to know anything about the sport, the instructor does all the work and gives the necessary instructions minutes before take off aswell as during the flight. While flying, the passenger can take pictures, record video or simply enjoy the ride.

Tandem flights can be taken every weekend although reservations are required in advance. The paraglider used is specially suited for 2 people rather than one. The trip will take between 3 and 4 hours in total, to get to the site, do the flight and return to the city. A typical flight lasts between 20 and 30 minutes but on a good day it's possible to fly for more than an hour.


Anchor 7

Become a Pilot


Anchor 8
Anchor 11

Description of Course
This introduction course is initially based on ground handling or kiting of the wing. This is to familiarize the student with the basic techniques of inflation or pressurization of the wing and how to apply them to a controlled launch. The student's first relationship with the wing is very subjective. Some people need many days before they feel comfortable with allowing themselves to be lifted, others, within hours, can be making their first flights. On the fifth day of practice the student will be able to make his or her first medium (100 meter) altititude flight. From there, the student can spend more time perfecting kiting skills allowing smoother, more confident take offs and landings.




The introductory course in paragliding is based on the understanding of the wing itself and the aerodynamic principles of flight in general. You will be taught the the proper use, care and storage of all the necessary materials as well as understand the fundementals of micrometeorlogy, allowing you to make safe decisions concerning where and when to fly.

As the course progresses, and the instructor feels confident with your understanding and ability, you will experience your first flight. Safely, and confidently progressing under the instructors supervision you will be able to experience and enjoy high altitude flights. Our ultimate goal during the introductory course is to have you flying form a launch site 600 meters above the landing zone.



Course format

* 8 days of flight training at three separate locations
* 3 hours of flight theory
* Use of all neccessary equipment. Wing, harness, radio, helmet.
* Instructional program based on the USHPA (United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association) requirments.
* Diploma and P1 Certification





Cost per person
US$1000. Each course is limited to 4 students.



Remember that paragliding is safe when it's practiced within the limitations of the pilot and the equipment.




The objective of this course is to provide the student with the knowledge and practical skill necessary to fly without direct instructor supervision and to safely asses weather conditions, terrain, stability and his/her personal skill level. Also, to increase the student's confidence and techniques when taking off and landing in 10 to 20 km/hour winds with crosswinds between 15 and 45 degrees. Ultimately, to receive USHPA P2 certification for a novice pilot.



Student must have:

* completed the P1 course.
* completed 20 registered flights in at least two different sites.
* his or her own reserve parachute and radio.





Course Price: US$350




The course consists of three parts and will cover the following topics:

1) Reverse inflation. We will go over the four standard techniques for reverse inflation and concentrate on two that will be the most effective for the pilot. Three ground school courses.

2) Tecnique for high wind descents. Theory and use of the speed bar, big ears manuever and the application of the two.

3) Applying tight 180 and 360 degree turns to be used as approach, and collision avoidence techniques. Also, instruction and practice manuvering the glider without the control toggles (using the rear risers).

Also, a ground school course using a simulator to properly adjust the speed bar and understand the principles and tecniques of reserve deployment.

The first part of the course will take place at the training hill in Oaxaca. The second and third part of the course will take place at a flying site with more dynamic and demanding conditions for at least two days of flying. The cost of the trip is not included in the course price.


Anchor 12

Organize a Tour with us


Anchor 9

We organize paragliding tours with certified flying instructors. We will take you to a couple of fliying sites in Oaxaca, or another state: Veracruz, Michoacán Puebla, Estado de Mexico. 

The Tour includes:


- Lodging, and two meals a day: Breakfast and a small lunch during flight sessions.

- Transportation with a chofer during the entire duration of the tour.

- One or two instructurs depending on the size of the group.



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